Lights shimmering in distance,

Thoughts of distant shores,

Slip – Recede slowly

From the traveling man’s mind.

Become dark and hidden,

As the blackness of waves

Hidden in the dark dead ocean’s night.

Cities, villages rebuilt anew,

Future, past – like all else,

Never too far

To be near again.

Moments relived –

On distant forgotten shores,

Dances danced again –

Beats, Rock and Sufi rhythms,

Blowing smoke rings,

Blue ringed hookah pipes and Cheroots,

Glitter filled dark dancing rooms,

Crimson colored shirts and flaunted hats,

And laughter among friends.

Passion captured –

In perfection,

Poured into chilled concoctions,

Pure vodka dances,

Flows into empty glasses;

Making love with ice cubes

Washing over rocky edges.

Melting hearts, bittersweet

Memories and perfect moments,

Etched forever –

In hearts of friends left behind,

An extraordinary life dance,

Now rendered incomplete.

Move on – Traveling Man,

Conquer new lands,

Build new ships,

Discover shores un-discovered.

People standing on water’s edge

The shore left behind,

Push your ship, nudge it forward

To welcoming waves,

Yet wave to call you back,

Beckon you home,

For you are never too far,

To be near again.

Look back – Traveling Man,

Over the set sun,

Fading horizon, dark waves,

A moon cut by the night.

Waving hands of friends,

Holding memories tightly,

Clasped hands and tear filled hearts,

Holding perfect drinks

Dancing a nightly dance,

Creating empty moments.

Realize – you are never too far

To be near again.

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